Øvrige deltakere i arbeidsgruppen er prof. Jon Sundbo, Danmark, prof. Lena Mossberg, Sverige og førsteamanuensis Dorthe Eide, Nord universitet.
Arbeidet er finansiert av VRI Nordland.
25 forskere fra hele Norden er påmeldt til seminaret.
The research hitherto has been quite much focused on marketing perspectives, macro-economic perspectives (such as measuring the experience economy) and performance and place-design (such as festivals, urban experience-scapes etc.). An emerging research on the psychological aspects of experiencing, experience design methods (from an architectural and artist perspective) and regional/local experience-based development has broadened the perspective, however, these fields could be even more researched in depth. Other aspects of experience production, distribution and consumption have not been emphasized much; this concerns for example (HR) management/organizational aspects, “experientization” (how experiences become still more important for sale of goods and services), ICT’s role in the experience economy, consumers’ economic preferences in buying experiences, experience innovation processes and sociological aspects of experiencing.
The seminar aims at presenting research within the hitherto emphasized areas as well as the below mentioned, and other new, areas. Further, the seminar aims at establishing a permanent researcher network and a series of regular seminars. The network could also be basis for common applications, for example to the EU. We will discuss this in the seminar.
Participating researchers should present their research, either in full papers or abstracts that present ongoing research or ideas for future research. To participate in the seminar you therefore must submit a paper or an abstract