News archive


  • Nordland Research Institute´s Maiken Bjørkan has been chosen for the working group of social sciences in The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC).

  • Fiskerne har fått øynene opp for marin forsøpling, men havnene mangler ofte mottakssystemer for fiskerirelatert avfall. Foto: Terje Rakke /

    Harbors with good enough systems for handling litter is key to reducing marine waste, shows new research from Nordland Research Institute, North University and Norce.

  • Livet som gammel på bygda er bedre enn sitt rykte. Foto: Arild Storaas

    People moving away, increase of elderly people, lack of municipal services. So say the media when speaking about rural districts. Now scientists can prove them wrong.

  • Influencer Alice Asplund er opptatt av at alle skal kunne bruke utmarka og sprer hashtaggen #minutmark på Instagram. Foto: frkasplund

    Teaming up with influencer Alice Asplund, the Instagram-campaign #minutmark is thriving.

  • The tourism industry on Svalbard needs to thrive. At the same time, the nature must be conserved. It is a challenge. Photo: Marcela Cardenas /

    At Svalbard, lofty ambitions for environmental care and a growing tourism industry create challenges. Now actors from the industry join forces with researchers to find solutions for the future.

  • Grete Hovelsrud har gjennom mange års forskning - også i felt - opparbeidet seg svært solid kunnskap om arktiske forhold. Foto: Privat

    1400 stepped forward, 222 were chosen. Nordland Research Institute´s very own Grete Hovelsrud was one of them.