Harbors with good enough systems for handling litter is key to reducing marine waste, shows new research from Nordland Research Institute, North University and Norce.
The last couple of years, NRI has been working on several projects concerning marine litter and what fisheries and the fish farming business do to fix the problem. A number of reports have already been published.
– Now we have published a scientific paper listing the results from these publications and we have made a list of actions that can reduce the problem of marine litter, Julia Olsen, senior researcher at NRI says.
Doing something about the systems for taking care of litter in the harbors, is top of the list.
– Many harbors do not have sufficient systems for treating marine litter. This forces the fishermen to use regular rubbish bins, which especially during the tourist season can be completely full, Olsen says.
Senior researcher Julia Olsen. Photo: Morten Ovesen