Gruve på Svalbard. Foto: Marta Anna Løvberg
The coal mines on Svalbard are still part of the landscape, but not in operation. Photo: Marta Anna Løvberg


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European Union (Horizon Europe)
Led by
Nord University

Arctic pollution in a One Health perspective – from complex challenges to sustainable solutions

Funded by EU logo

This EU-funded research project addresses pollution in the Arctic, focusing on its impacts on both people and the environment from a OneHealth perspective, which emphasizes the interconnected relationship between human, animal, and ecosystem health.

The Arctic Environment is currently undergoing large disruptions. Multiple stressors like climate change in combination with pollution originating from numerous sources, are affecting Human life, Wildlife, and the Ecosystems in the Arctic. There is an urgent need for science-based solutions to these complex challenges. ArcSolution will provide comprehensive knowledge on the most pressing challenges and will propose corresponding and accurate mitigating solutions, co-created with the people of the Arctic, all within a One Health framework


One Health framework