Plan for Equality and Diversity

Gender balance, diversity and inclusion are fundamental values for Nordland Research Institute ​​and something the organization has had on the agenda for many years.

Gender Equality and Diversity Plan (GEDP) 2024-2025

Our Plan for Equality is a concretization of the work done so far and new plans for further implementation. The Plan for Equality and Diversity is part of the overall quality system at Nordland Research Institute.

The gender Equality Plan is a requirement in connection with the new EU research program (Horizon Europe). Our plan meets the EU criteria.

In addition to gender equality, we have focused on diversity in the organization. It is an essential prerequisite for an inclusive working environment at the institute. We believe it makes us an attractive workplace.


The gender balance and diversity committee in research has drawn up an overview of action plans for equality and diversity.
Ombudet skal ha ekstra oppmerksomhet på hvordan Nordlandsforskning bygger kompetanse i organisasjonen på likestilling, anti-diskriminering, mangfold og inkludering.