Iselin Marstrander new board member of the Research Council

Managing director of Nordland Research Institute, Iselin Marstrander, is one of two new members, after the Ministry of Education and Research appointed a new board of the Research Council of Norway this week.
The board has been appointed for four years from 1 July 2023. Marstrander has been elected to the board together with Paula Erola, head of the Finnish Academy of Sciences. Former NTNU rector Gunnar Bovim takes over as head from Kristin Halvorsen.
— The Research Council is of great importance to Norway. It is our most important competition arena for increasing the quality of Norwegian research, and our foremost research policy adviser. That the Research Council succeeds in its societal mission is very important, says Minister of Research and Higher Education, Ola Borten Moe, to the Research Council's website.
— We are now expanding the board by two people. We are getting a broader scientific expertise which, together with the other board's combined experience and knowledge, will ensure us a vigorous and efficient board, says the minister.
Enormously important position
Marstrander was naturally honored when the Ministry of Education and Research called and told her that she had been recommended to the board from both the knowledge sector and from people in the political landscape.
- It is an honor to be asked, no doubt about it, she says.
Gunnar Bovim describes the position as one of the most important in the country. The director of Nordland Research Institute completely agrees with that.
- The Research Council is incredibly important and undoubtedly the body in Norway that has the greatest importance for the research sector, says Marstrander.
- It is a crucial resource for all of us, through looking after the building of knowledge in society, determining the instruments used, managing the money allocated to the research sector, creating programs and distributing grants.
Big responsibility
Outgoing head and CICERO director Kristin Halvorsen was the institute sector's representative on the Research Council. That role is now taken over by Iselin Marstrander.
- It's a big responsibility for me. Kristin has done an excellent job and there are many who have high expectations that I will also be a clear voice for the institute sector, says Marstrander.
- I also represent the regional and northern areas, together with Brit Elin Steinveg from UiT. It is important that the Research Council has a broad perspective and voices from across the country.
For Nordland Research Institute it is obviously a feather in the cap to have a leader who is considered capable enough to sit on the Research Council. Iselin Marstrander does have significant experience to show for it. Among other things, she has sat on the board of the Research Institutes' joint arena and is head of the FOKUS institutes, the special interest organisation for regional research institutes.